Services for healthcare leaders

You’re a leader in lifestyle medicine

You need vision, determination and influence

These three capacities define you as a leader:

You capture and hold a vision.

You move forward with resolve.

You walk beside your people.

I support you to craft the vision for yourself as a leader that will mean you set reachable goals, celebrate the successes and manage the challenges along the way.

And you’ll do all of this not walking in front of your people; not pushing them from behind; but walking with them as they work with you to bring that vision to life.

Keep reading to see how I support you to do this.


Mental Fitness Coaching

You’re a lifestyle medicine leader because it feeds a sense of purpose you have. You want to make a difference, and to leave the world better than you found it.

What’s the vision you have for yourself, your personal life, your cherished relationships? How do you want to be remembered by the people who matter to you?

How important is emotional and mental well-being to you? With all that’s going well, what do you wish for?

Whether you want to boost your well-being or manage underlying health conditions, coaching supports you to make lasting changes to your physical and psychological well-being.

I work with you to identify and develop a vision for your personal life, well-being and relationships. I work with you to develop goals that have meaning for you and then to create and craft strategies, plans and steps which will lead you to achieve those goals and make that vision a reality.

Reach out

Are you ready to take a step? Reach out to find out how Simon can support you.